Saturday, May 1, 2021


                          USB POWER BOOSTER

hello  friends  today I am gonna  telling  you  about  some  easy  and valuable  electronics projects 
for  school and  college  practical  

The USB serial  bus can be  configured for connecting several peripheral device to a single PC. It is more complex that RS232 ,but faster and simpler for expansion .

since a PC  can supply only  a limited power to the external devices connected  through its USB port ,When too many device  are connected  simultaneously ,there is a possibility  of power  shortage. therefore an external power source has to be  added to power the external device .

In  USB , two  different type of connectors are used type A  and type B. The  circuit presented here is an addon unit , designed  to add more power to a  USB  supply line (type-A ). when  power  signal  from the PC (+5V ) is received through socket A ,LED1  glows, opto-diac  IC1 conduct and TRIAC1 is triggered, resulting in availability of main supply  from the primary  of transformer X1 deliver 12V at its secondary, which is rectified by a bridge rectified  comprising diode D1 through D4 and filtered by capacitor C2.

Regulator IC 7805 is used to stabilise the rectified DC .Capacitor C3 at the output of the regulator  bypassed the ripples present in the rectified  DC output. LED1 indicates the status of the  USB power booster circuit .
circuit diagram  of the USB power booster

Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB and enclose in a suitable  cabinet. Bring out the +5V, ground and data point in the type-A socket connected the data cables as assigned in the circuit  and the USB power booster is ready to function 

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               ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR hello  friends  today I am gonna  telling  you  about  some  easy  and valuable  electronics projects  ...